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✰ Beth King ✰



My Story


Hey! My name is Beth Lucas and I live in Raleigh, NC with my husband, Tay and our furbabies! I am 23 years old and my Scentsy journey started with a Facebook post! I have always been a lover of smell goods but I could never remember to blow out my candles and this scared me living in an apartment, especially with my four-legged children - I went on the hunt for a safer alternative and that was when I found SCENTSY!

I didn't personally know of any consultants so I went to social media asking for help! I immediately booked a party (to get those smell goods for FREEEEE) and have been hooked ever since! In fact, I loved it so much that 6 months later I clicked that big, scary join button that, little did I know, would change my life FOREVER!

I was in college, working a full time job and had no idea what my purpose was in life. I bounced around between different degrees and occupations and never felt at home, no matter how hard I tried to talk myself into believing that I did. I joined Scentsy for some extra cash and to feed my addiction but it quickly turned into so much more.

I found myself surrounded by an amazing group of women, some who did this full time and some who just wanted something for themselves, many played a big role in my success with this business by helping me along the way and cheering me on. That's when the seed I planted started to bloom and I found my calling with this business.

In February of 2020 I quit my full time job because I was failing one of my college classes. My plan was to get a part time waitress job that would bring in the same amount of money with less hours, but God had a different plan.

In March of 2020 the Coronavirus pandemic put the whole world on pause and all restaurants closed. This meant I was jobless and had no way to pay my bills, my world came crashing down, or so I thought. I went into fight or flight mode and WORKED my little Scentsy biz and that was all she wrote.

I found my calling. I found my passion. I found success and hope in running a business, filling my customers life with fragrance and, the most important part to me - being a LEADER!

I now have a team of over 100 Scentsy slingers who I work with to turn their dreams into reality. You were not made for a mediocre life, you were made for so much more. The fact that I could work from anywhere, change my life AND others as well was a no brainer for me - SO WHAT DID I DO?

I finally made a decision in my life FOR ME and I dropped out of college to pursue this dream full time and haven't looked back! There is so much potential with Scentsy - whether you want a part time side gig for some extra money, just want to feed your Scentsy addiction OR you want to live life on your own terms and only answer to yourself - THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!

Did I mention you can earn FREE TRIPS too?! I have earned an all expense paid vacation to DISNEY WORLD Coronado Springs resort, an Alaskan cruise and a Caribbean cruise aboard the Wonder (biggest cruise ship in the world before Icon came out) and we went to the Bahamas, Jamaica, Haiti and COCO Cay!

If you are interested in taking the leap as well click the Join button on my website to sign up and I will contact you with the rest! If you want to earn some FREE SCENTSY, click the Host link and we will get you set up with your own personal shopping link!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. There is plenty of room at the table for you, too. Stay scented, friend!

Beth King

When speaking about travel and income I am required to add our income disclosure statement, but if your a dream chaser like me, you can do this too!

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